

Nov 12, 2023


by Sean Joseph August 2, 2023, 7:01 pmupdated August 3, 2023, 6:24 am 3 Comments

A couple of 7-Eleven employees decided that they weren’t just going to let a man walk out of their store with a trash can full of tobacco products. So they confronted him and eventually use a stick to hand out some instant justice.

The would-be thief was behind the counter with a trash can on wheels. He was wearing makeshift mask while grabbing all of the tobacco products that he could. As he did he would toss the stolen goods into the trash can.

A customer who witnessed the whole thing pulled out his phone and started recording. The thief continued as if this was completely normal. As he did so the two 7-Eleven employees decided to confront him.

The customer could be heard telling the two 7-Eleven employees that there was nothing they could do to stop the thief. He told them that they had to wait for the police. The two employees had other thoughts about the situation.

They weren’t going to let the man leave with the stolen goods. As the man attempted to roll his trash can filled with tobacco products out from behind the counter one of the employees grabbed the can and stopped him. The other grabbed a large stick.

The thief didn’t know it, but he was in for a world of hurt. As the scene unfolded, the customer recording turned from legal advisor into a fan of the two employees. He started cheering them on as they used the stick to stop the thief, “Hell yeah, whoop his ass!”

Sikh grocery store owner was told that "there ain't nothing you can do" repeatedly and that "ayy, just let him go" as they were being robbed. The Sikhs disagreed.

The video surfaced Wednesday morning on social media, but it’s not known when the incident took place. According to the Daily Mail, it appears as if it took place at a 7-Eleven in California.

Which good luck to the 7-Eleven employees if it did take place there. Don’t be surprised if one, these two end up being fired and two, there’s an investigation opened up into them for stopping the criminal with a stick.

They were supposed to quietly sit back and let the guy steal hundreds of dollars worth of products. Then they were supposed to gently assist him as he made his was out of the store.

I like my punishment handed out in a court of law as much as the next guy. But when you step behind the counter, and start making threats, while clearly stealing items off of the shelf you could find yourself on the wrong side of a giant stick.

This is how thieves should be dealt with. Well done, boys.

It’s one thing to steal a lighter or a candy bar and dip, but it a whole ‘nother thing to brazenly help yourself to a full trash bag shopping list of shit you feel entitled to. Leftists often argue people steal things they need to get by, maybe true 5% of the time. They also throw out the insurance line too, which is dumb since we all pay the premiums on that. Then they throw out the food desert bs after the cause and effect. Dude here had the audacity to talk cash shit and threaten to pull out a gun. He’s lucky they only beat the breaks off his ass with a mop stick.

I love this. I hope they kept beating his ass.

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